A cute little reduction linoprint I've been working on of late. Part of a series I think I'm going to produce to do with 'transport'. Think hot air balloons, bicycles and definitely more little boats!
Love is in the air. . .well kind of. Been thinking about valentines day cards today, as well as easter designs, paper cuts I want to make and books to print and bind - does my brain ever stop coming up with things for me to do! As much as I keep thinking I should try to incorporate more motifs other than birds in my work I don't seem to be able to help it - they're just so cute!
I've been trying to organise myself over the festive break so that when I get back into the studio in the new year I can be as productive as I can. My first project of 2009 will be to screen print some alphabet books in various colourways for the Artist Book Fair in March. I want at least two differently illustrated letters so the clock really is ticking - will hopefully get them onto screen in the next 2 weeks - can't wait to go and do some printing!